Pork Tenderloin Steaks

During the winter months some of us are fortunate enough to have weather conducive to outdoor cooking. But there are days that are just too nasty to stand outside babying that tenderloin you so carefully marinated.

On such days I have experimented with cooking meat indoors…
Blasphemy if you ask me…urgh! The following is a very simple yet amazing technique that I have perfected…(if you are dieting, I suggest another technique…This is all about the fat baby!)

Pork Tenderloins

2 – 1.5″ thick marinated pork tenderloin steaks

Preheat an oven to 400 degrees and fire up a burner to med-low heat.

In your favorite saute pan, throw in 1/3 stick butter and 3 tbsp olive oil.
Note: Do not let it get to a smoking point, if it does, throw it out and repeat.

Insert porks and let cook for 4 minutes. Flip, and place pan immediately into the hot oven for 8 minutes. Remove steaks from pan and place into a covered container to rest while you make the sauce.


This is too easy!
Note: If you are using wine, leave out the flour…just reduce it over low heat.

Throw in some diced onions and cook for about 5-10 minutes over a med-low heat. Sprinkle 1/4 cup flour into the mix, whisk in and add S & P. Cook about 2-3 minutes to remove the flour taste, remember, the longer you cook the roux, the darker the gravy will be. Add 2 cups water or stock and raise heat to med, you can use a vegetable stock if’n ya like but the wine is a deep flavor! Cook about 4-5 minutes or until you get the thickness you desire, stirring often.

Serve over a jazzman rice.

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